Friday, April 25, 2008


Since I've been looking to stop the inflation of my caboose I decided to take the plunge and do a detox along with the training I've been doing (and loving).
This "whole foods" detox was recommended by Trainer and includes certain fruits, veges, lean organic meats, nuts, and some other stuff that doesn't catch your eye when ordering from a take-out menu. There's no caffeine or alcohol. And red meat, dairy, and eggs are a no-no as well.
Part of this torture is to get my insulin levels in check and decrease my "sweet" cravings.
So, I am at the end of day 3 (of 14) and I must say, I feel extraordinary!!!
I haven't had the urge to eat an entire yellow cake with chocolate frosting AND I'm no longer snacking at night.
These are my biggest "food issues". I could honestly eat an entire bag of cookies and still crave more.
I have also been a huge fan of eating after 8 which is now the time of day I am least hungry.
With all this cleansing I'm realizing how crappy some of the stuff was that was invited into my mouth.
My body has been screaming with joy and energy these past few days.
The hardest part though, is remembering that I can't shove just any food within eyesight down the hatchet.
I actually have to stop and think.
For the time being I guess I've left a food coma.
Now just another 11 days to go.

Detoxingly yours,

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