Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming:

Today I am getting back on track with an old but worthwhile tradition.
Given that it's sunday, I'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to a few of the things
brought to my attention recently.

Awards in the Thankfulness Department this week go out to:
- My lower back. Haven't had any pain in 3 full weeks (knock on driftwood)
- My husband. Period.
- My trainer. For bringing on a new trainer who is female, likes horror movies AND food as much as I do.
- The beach. For being the perfect place to rejuvenate and put it all back into perspective.
-My husband. Yes again. For telling me how fabulous I look in the new dress he just bought me.
- Children who enjoy reading. There's nothing like falling alseep with a 3 year old on a friday afternoon while reading fairytale after fairytale.
- And last BUT not least..... my Behind, my Bottom, yes, my Butt (I am SO opposed to children using that word BTW).
Why my caboose you ask? Well, thanks to it's ampleness I surely won't be needing one of these anytime soon!

Sweet dreams,

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